Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Spanshot. Many targets. So little time. So let's talk a bit about this blog and its purpose.

See, I believe that if I do what I love, I'll love what I do and fulfillment -- both personal and monetary -- will follow. Therefore, I do many things, with the goal of working from home. Why? Because I have a lot of interests; enough to make me feel uncomfortable with pursuing just one in a single-purpose environment. Also, there exists this stigma that working from home isn't really working. I'm proving that wrong, too. Plus, I crave time. I'm thinking that I can save time by saving a commute. And there are loads of other reasons that will unfold as I post more. (Too many for this initial post.)

I'll document my progress in these things in this blog, with the intent of helping others with whom I share my ideals. In this blog, I'm writing about a different way to view life -- as something to be met and cultivated and tackled and subdued. But above all, to be enjoyed.

So, I'm aiming to prove that one can make a (suitably awesome) living by shooting at multiple targets. Obtaining revenue from multiple streams. Sowing seeds in many fields. And other associated metaphors.

Now, what are my targets? Currently, I'm interested in (and will blog about) the following areas:

  • minimalism
  • cycling
  • writing
  • photography
  • music
  • abstract art
  • web design
  • schooling
  • and more!

So, I won't be only making a living, but showing my living, in all its minimal, musical, and frugal ol' glory... serial commas and all.

Being a student, I don't have the time to update consistently, or perhaps even often. However, I will update, with news of progress and other thoughts that flow this way. Thoughts from budget studio lighting to picking a Linux distribution. Search engine optimization to drum and bass. The idea is to shoot at several fields -- to perform a scattershot. Why? To make a living without being stuck in one spot. Because, what's the point of living when you aren't really living? More on that later.

Lastly, this blog will show my writing style; on a personal level, as is this introductory post, and on a wide level, such as some of the future articles I'll post. I try to straddle styles and have fun with language. I hope this is apparent. :3

So, all in all, my choice in life is a sort of scattershot, but without the connotation of haphazardness. I feel that a more fitting catchphrase would be spanshot. And that's how I titled this blog. Enjoy.

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